How does home automation help the lives of older citizens?


How does home automation help the lives of older citizens?

As time goes by, the risks to our health increase. How can one protect oneself? Is a smart home and home automation the solution? 


Day-to-day life for older citizens can be a challenge, especially if they live on their own. There are many risks they face. It could be injuries that occur around the house, to being targeted by would-be robbers.


How can citizens like these protect themselves and how can their families keep them safe without having to change their habits and lifestyle?


An increased sense of security

The first, top priority is for these people to feel safe in their own home. Our home is our refuge, but if there is a risk that someone unwanted might break in then day-to-day life can become quite stressful.


We can ensure our own safety against unwanted intruders by installing a home security system. The great advantage of the new generation of smart control panels is that we can also remotely operate them wherever we are at any time of the day just using our smartphone. If the elderly are familiar with technology, they can easily make their home secure without needing to make unnecessary movements, and if they aren’t that great with technology, a family member can always handle that. It is worth noting that the alarm system can be connected to our Central Monitoring Station which operates round the clock, 7 days a week, allowing us to immediately address any problem.


Another major risk faced by older citizens is that they can be tricked into opening the front door. However, that cannot happen if an intercom system is installed at home. It allows them to have visual contact and talk to anyone who rings the bell, without them having to open the door.


Avoid falls and injuries

Another daily insecurity older citizens have to face is the fear of falling or injuring themselves at home, especially if they live on their own. A ‘smart’ home with home automation can significantly help this segment of the population.


Technology now allows you to turn the lighting, heating, air-conditioning and any other device on or off, and to arm the alarm and lock the house simply at the push of a button. This reduces unnecessary movements around the home thereby avoiding the risk of injury from a fall.


Why should you opt for Lysi Security?

Lysi Security specialises in security services and systems and has many years of experience of designing efficient automation systems. 


If you need any more information feel free to contact us.