Video Door Phone
& Intercom

Avoid unfortunate events!

Prevent & Detect Crime

Fool-Proof Coverage

Prevent Safety Incidents

Remote Monitoring

Find out who’s at your door and control who enters your home. Video intercoms and video door phone systems are stand-alone intercom systems used to interact with visitors, without having to open the door.

They are simply two-way communication, featuring:

  • An external unit with embedded camera.
  • An internal unit with monitor.

Visitors press the button on the external unit and a notification is transferred to the internal monitor. You can then see who is outside, start a conversation with them and unlock the door if you want, by pressing the button on the internal monitor.

It also works if you’re not at home. We can easily program the video door phone systems to transfer the notification (ringing of the bell) to your smartphone. This way, you can see your visitor, speak to them and decide whether to let them in. You also have to option of recording them, while your visitors may leave a video message in case you don’t reply.

Your video door phone system can easily be integrated with your CCTV system and cameras. This means you are in complete control and can feel safe in the hands of Lysi Security’s team.

Contact us at +357 7000 6005, +357 2573 5111 or send us a message using the contact form.

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    The Solution for every need & Specific Security Requirements!
    House Intercom System

    Video Door Phone

    Outdoor Station

    Video Door Phone

    Outdoor Station

    House Interior

    Indoor Station

    Card / Keyfob / Proximity Tag


    Power Over Ethernet


    Internet Connection

    Receiving Devices

    Video Door Phone Intercom Indoor Station

    Indoor Station

    Outdoor Station

    Outdoor Station


    Display Module

    Outdoor Display



    Proximity Reader

    Proximity Reader

    Proximity Card / Tag

    Card / Tag

    POE Switch

    Power Over Ethernet Switch

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